Friday, June 29, 2012

American Flag Shorts

As 4th of July rounds the corner, the newest rage is American flag shorts (as seen all over Pinterest). Last night was my town's rodeo and rodeo dance and I wanted to join the festivities pretty decked out. I searched all through Pinterest and liked the idea of the painted on american flag but with my time crunch, I wanted something to last through the wash and fool proof from my clumsy hands. In the morning I rushed to Hobby Lobby with a 40% coupon in hand and found some fabulous and cheap star and strip fabric as well as iron on fabric adhesive (which is way easier than a sewing machine my friends). I found a pair of my mom's old jeans (slighty high-waisted and a mid wash color) and got to work. I finished just in time to get ready with some girlfriends and head to the Rodeo. I got a ton of compliments on the shorts and they looked fabulous! For a total these shorts cost me $6but FYI, I purchased extra fabric and have enough to make more so they can be cheaper if you like!! Check out my photo editorial on facebook 
xoxo Audree Kate

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Hey! I only have one month until I move back to school, Arizona State University (Go Devils!) and I am so excited to start my blog. Welcome to Simply Audree kate- my styles, inspirations, tips and DIY projects. Please follow my blog and also check out my pinterest and facebook. Let's get to blogging!